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Henry VI, Part 1 - Act 2, scene 2
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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Henry VI, Part 1 - Act 2, scene 2Act 2, scene 2
⌜Scene 2⌝
The English plan a grand tomb for the dead Salisbury, in part as a monument to their recent victory. Talbot then receives an invitation to visit the Countess of Auvergne.
Enter Talbot, Bedford, Burgundy, ⌜a Captain and Others.⌝BEDFORD
0692 The day begins to break and night is fled,
0693 Whose pitchy mantle over-veiled the Earth.
0694 Here sound retreat and cease our hot pursuit.
Retreat ⌜sounded.⌝
0695 Bring forth the body of old Salisbury,
0696 5 And here advance it in the marketplace,
0697 The middle center of this cursèd town.
⌜Soldiers enter bearing the body of Salisbury,⌝
Drums beating a dead march.
0698 Now have I paid my vow unto his soul:
0699 For every drop of blood was drawn from him
0700 There hath at least five Frenchmen died tonight.
0701 10 And, that hereafter ages may behold
0702 What ruin happened in revenge of him,
0703 Within their chiefest temple I’ll erect
0704 A tomb wherein his corpse shall be interred,
0705 Upon the which, that everyone may read,
0706 15 Shall be engraved the sack of Orleance,
0707 The treacherous manner of his mournful death,
0708 And what a terror he had been to France.
⌜Funeral exits.⌝
0709 But, lords, in all our bloody massacre,
0710 I muse we met not with the Dauphin’s grace,
0711 20 His new-come champion, virtuous Joan of ⌜Arc,⌝
0712 Nor any of his false confederates.
0713 ’Tis thought, Lord Talbot, when the fight began,
0714 Roused on the sudden from their drowsy beds,
0715 They did amongst the troops of armèd men
0716 25 Leap o’er the walls for refuge in the field.
BURGUNDY 0717 Myself, as far as I could well discern
0718 For smoke and dusky vapors of the night,
0719 Am sure I scared the Dauphin and his trull,
0720 When arm-in-arm they both came swiftly running,
0721 30 Like to a pair of loving turtledoves
0722 That could not live asunder day or night.
0723 After that things are set in order here,
0724 We’ll follow them with all the power we have.
Enter a Messenger.
0725 All hail, my lords. Which of this princely train
0726 35 Call you the warlike Talbot, for his acts
0727 So much applauded through the realm of France?
0728 Here is the Talbot. Who would speak with him?
0729 The virtuous lady, Countess of Auvergne,
0730 With modesty admiring thy renown,
0731 40 By me entreats, great lord, thou wouldst vouchsafe
0732 To visit her poor castle where she lies,
0733 That she may boast she hath beheld the man
0734 Whose glory fills the world with loud report.
0735 Is it even so? Nay, then, I see our wars
0736 45 Will turn unto a peaceful comic sport,
0737 When ladies crave to be encountered with.
0738 You may not, my lord, despise her gentle suit.
0739 Ne’er trust me, then; for when a world of men
0740 Could not prevail with all their oratory,
0741 50 Yet hath a woman’s kindness overruled.—
0742 And therefore tell her I return great thanks,
0743 And in submission will attend on her.—
0744 Will not your Honors bear me company?
BEDFORD 0745 No, truly, ’tis more than manners will;
0746 55 And I have heard it said unbidden guests
0747 Are often welcomest when they are gone.
0748 Well then, alone, since there’s no remedy,
0749 I mean to prove this lady’s courtesy.—
0750 Come hither, captain.Whispers.
0751 60 You perceive my mind?
0752 I do, my lord, and mean accordingly.
They exit.