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Othello - Characters in the Play
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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Othello - Characters in the PlayCharacters in the Play
Characters in the Play
Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army
Desdemona, a Venetian lady
Brabantio, a Venetian senator, father to Desdemona
Iago, Othello’s standard-bearer, or “ancient”
Emilia, Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s attendant
Cassio, Othello’s second-in-command, or lieutenant
Roderigo, a Venetian gentleman
Duke of Venice

Venetian gentlemen, kinsmen to Brabantio
Venetian senators
Montano, an official in Cyprus
Bianca, a woman in Cyprus in love with Cassio
Clown, a comic servant to Othello and Desdemona
Gentlemen of Cyprus
Servants, Attendants, Officers, Messengers, Herald, Musicians, Torchbearers.