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Romeo and Juliet - Characters in the Play
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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Romeo and Juliet - Characters in the PlayCharacters in the Play
Characters in the Play
Montague, his father
Lady Montague, his mother
Benvolio, their kinsman
Abram, a Montague servingman
Balthasar, Romeo’s servingman
Capulet, her father
Lady Capulet, her mother
Nurse to Juliet
Tybalt, kinsman to the Capulets
Petruchio, Tybalt’s companion
Capulet’s Cousin

Other Servingmen
Escalus, Prince of Verona
Paris, the Prince’s kinsman and Juliet’s suitor
Mercutio, the Prince’s kinsman and Romeo’s friend
Paris’ Page
Friar Lawrence
Friar John
Three or four Citizens
Three Musicians
Three Watchmen
Attendants, Maskers, Torchbearers, a Boy with a drum, Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Tybalt’s Page, Servingmen.