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American presidents
Men of Letters: Shakespeare's Influence on Abraham Lincoln

Men of Letters: Shakespeare's Influence on Abraham Lincoln
Learn more about Shakespeare’s enduring influence on Lincoln—and on Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth.
Thomas Jefferson and Shakespeare

Shakespeare and Beyond
Thomas Jefferson and Shakespeare
“Shakespeare must be singled out by one who wishes to learn the full powers of the English language,” Thomas Jefferson wrote.
America's Shakespeare: Connections between the Bard and the Founding Fathers

Shakespeare and Beyond
America's Shakespeare: Connections between the Bard and the Founding Fathers
America’s Shakespeare: How George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams quoted Shakespeare during and after the American Revolution.
Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, and the president's assassination

Shakespeare and Beyond
Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, and the president's assassination
Abraham Lincoln. Copyright 1894 by H.W. Fay. Folger Shakespeare Library. Growing up on the frontier, Abraham Lincoln had few books to read in his early days—but among them were the works of Shakespeare, which Lincoln cherished throughout his life. The…