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Juicy Hamlet Lessons from the Creators of The Folger Guide to Teaching Hamlet 5-Week Unit

Professional development mentor teachers. Image of woman in pink vest above image of a woman in cream shirt.
Professional development mentor teachers. Image of woman in pink vest above image of a woman in cream shirt.

Booking and details

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Dates Wed, Feb 21, 2024, 8pm ET

Venue Virtual - Zoom

Tickets Free

Duration 1 hour

Participants in this one-hour virtual professional development session will explore Hamlet and the concept of identity. This session follows one of the foundational ideas behind professional development with the Folger Method, that participants should first experience activities as learners, and then approach it as educators. This session will begin with Folger Essential Practice, Tone and Stress, where participants will work on a granular level with Shakespeare and other authors’ language. Following this activity, Bessicks and Jochman will lead the participants in a Folger Essential Practice that pairs Ophelia’s songs from Hamlet and popular music like Taylor Swift. The session will culminate with the participants exploring parallels between Hamlet and the work of Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. There will also be time for discussion about how these activities function in a classroom with students. More importantly, Jochman and Bessicks will have demonstrated that these activities’ success depends on students experiencing language themselves and on their own terms, and not through tidy themes and teacher explanations.

Stefanie Jochman

Mentor Teacher

Stefanie Jochman

Ashley Bessicks

Mentor Teacher

Ashley Bessicks