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Cymbeline - Act 2, scene 2
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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Cymbeline - Act 2, scene 2Act 2, scene 2
Scene 2
As Imogen sleeps, the trunk that she is keeping for Iachimo opens, and Iachimo emerges. Before climbing back into it, he examines the room and Imogen’s sleeping body, and he steals Posthumus’s bracelet from her wrist.
⌜A trunk is brought in.⌝ Enter Imogen, ⌜reading,⌝ in herbed, and a Lady.
0902 Who’s there? My woman Helen?
LADY 0903 Please you, madam.
0904 What hour is it?
LADY 0905 Almost midnight, madam.
0906 5 I have read three hours then. Mine eyes are weak.
⌜She hands the Lady her book.⌝
0907 Fold down the leaf where I have left. To bed.
0908 Take not away the taper; leave it burning.
0909 And if thou canst awake by four o’ th’ clock,
0910 I prithee, call me. (⌜Lady exits.⌝) Sleep hath seized
0911 10 me wholly.
0912 To your protection I commend me, gods.
0913 From fairies and the tempters of the night
0914 Guard me, beseech you.Sleeps.
Iachimo from the trunk.
0915 The crickets sing, and man’s o’erlabored sense
0916 15 Repairs itself by rest. Our Tarquin thus
Did softly press the rushes ere he wakened0918 The chastity he wounded.—Cytherea,
0919 How bravely thou becom’st thy bed, fresh lily,
0920 And whiter than the sheets.—That I might touch!
0921 20 But kiss, one kiss! Rubies unparagoned,
0922 How dearly they do ’t. ’Tis her breathing that
0923 Perfumes the chamber thus. The flame o’ th’ taper
0924 Bows toward her and would underpeep her lids
0925 To see th’ enclosèd lights, now canopied
0926 25 Under these windows, white and azure-laced
0927 With blue of heaven’s own tinct. But my design:
0928 To note the chamber. I will write all down.
⌜He begins to write.⌝
0929 Such and such pictures; there the window; such
0930 Th’ adornment of her bed; the arras, figures,
0931 30 Why, such and such; and the contents o’ th’ story.
⌜He continues to write.⌝
0932 Ah, but some natural notes about her body
0933 Above ten thousand meaner movables
0934 Would testify t’ enrich mine inventory.
0935 O sleep, thou ape of death, lie dull upon her,
0936 35 And be her sense but as a monument
0937 Thus in a chapel lying. (⌜He begins to remove her
bracelet.⌝) 0938 Come off, come off;
0939 As slippery as the Gordian knot was hard.
0940 ’Tis mine, and this will witness outwardly
0941 40 As strongly as the conscience does within
0942 To th’ madding of her lord. On her left breast
0943 A mole cinque-spotted, like the crimson drops
0944 I’ th’ bottom of a cowslip. Here’s a voucher
0945 Stronger than ever law could make. This secret
0946 45 Will force him think I have picked the lock and ta’en
0947 The treasure of her honor. No more. To what end?
0948 Why should I write this down that’s riveted,
0949 Screwed to my memory? She hath been reading late
The tale of Tereus; here the leaf’s turned down0951 50 Where Philomel gave up. I have enough.
0952 To th’ trunk again, and shut the spring of it.
0953 Swift, swift, you dragons of the night, that dawning
0954 May bare the raven’s eye. I lodge in fear.
0955 Though this a heavenly angel, hell is here.
Clock strikes.
0956 55 One, two, three. Time, time!
He exits ⌜into the trunk. The trunk
and bed are removed.⌝