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All 13 posts on

Love's Labor's Lost

Puzzling Through a Stage Direction in Love’s Labor’s Lost

Puzzling Through a Stage Direction in Love’s Labor’s Lost

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich

Fellow Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich explores what a stage direction about Blackamoors might mean.

The real-life Berowne inside "Love's Labor's Lost"
A scene from Love's Labor's Lost
Shakespeare and Beyond

The real-life Berowne inside "Love's Labor's Lost"

Scott Maisano

Scott Maisano describes a Berowne who stands out and stands aside from the fictional world represented in this Shakespeare comedy.

20 Shakespeare quotes about love
Shakespeare and Beyond

20 Shakespeare quotes about love

Ben Lauer

The word “love” appears 2,146 times in Shakespeare’s collected works (including a handful of “loves” and “loved”). Add to that 59 instances of “beloved” and 133 uses of “loving” and you’ve got yourself a “whole lotta love.”

ENCORES: ‘Love’s Labor’s Lost’ produced by Folger Theatre (2019)
Folger ENCORES, red theater seats fading into darkness
Folger Spotlight

ENCORES: ‘Love’s Labor’s Lost’ produced by Folger Theatre (2019)

Folger Theatre

Folger Public Programs is pleased to present ENCORES, a weekly online series highlighting past performances and recalling the rich history of programming on the historic Folger stage. See a clip of ‘Love’s Labor’s Lost’ from Folger Theatre’s 2019 production.

Love's Labor's Lost and screwball comedy
Love's Labor's Lost
Shakespeare and Beyond

Love's Labor's Lost and screwball comedy

Caitlin Peartree

The witty, fast-paced dialogue at the heart of the battle of the sexes in Love’s Labor’s Lost is straight out of a golden-age screwball comedy film.

Dramaturg's Notes: Love's Labor's Lost
Folger Spotlight

Dramaturg's Notes: Love's Labor's Lost

Michele Osherow

Folger Resident Dramaturg and UMBC Associate Professor of English Michele Osherow takes us inside Folger Theatre’s unique production to explore why Shakespeare’s romantic comedy is so perfectly suited to DC in the 1930s.

Love's Labor's Lost: The end of study
Love's Labor's Lost
Shakespeare and Beyond

Love's Labor's Lost: The end of study

Austin Tichenor

“What’s especially delightful about Love’s Labor’s Lost is that it’s a comedy about melancholy, a satire on youthful arrogance, intellectual pretension, and romantic naiveté,” writes Austin Tichenor.

A Year to Remember: 1932 in Music
Folger Spotlight

A Year to Remember: 1932 in Music

emma poltrack

Folger Theatre’s ‘Love’s Labor’s Lost’ is set in roughly 1932—the year the Folger Shakespeare Library opened its doors to the public—and celebrates the Folger’s exquisite architecture, as well as the era’s glamorous post-flapper fashion. In its honor, we present a…

Influences for Love's Labor's Lost: Contemporary texts and historical figures
Hunting scene with Elizabeth
Shakespeare and Beyond

Influences for Love's Labor's Lost: Contemporary texts and historical figures

emma poltrack

Love’s Labor’s Lost is one of three Shakespeare plays without a primary source (the others being A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest), but that doesn’t mean it was created in a vacuum. Using four items from the Folger collection,…

Behind the Camera at the 'Love's Labor's Lost' Photoshoot
Folger Spotlight

Behind the Camera at the 'Love's Labor's Lost' Photoshoot

Folger Theatre

Leonor Fernandez guides you through our pre-production photo shoot to explore how photographer Brittany Diliberto worked with actors Matt Dallal, Zachary Fine, Yesenia Iglesias, Amelia Pedlow, Kelsey Rainwater, and Joshua David Robinson to capture Shakespeare’s sprightly romantic comedy in a…

Small Latin and Less Greek: A Look at the Inkhorn Controversy
a photograph of a page in a dictionary
Shakespeare and Beyond

Small Latin and Less Greek: A Look at the Inkhorn Controversy

Sara Schliep

The Inkhorn Controversy in the 15th and 16th centuries focused on the use of long, Latinate words as opposed to shorter, Saxon-rooted English counterparts.

From jazzercise to Rococo garden: Four different takes on Love's Labor's Lost
The cast of William Shakespeare's Love's Labor's Lost, directed by Kathleen Marshall, running August 14 - September 18, 2016 at The Old Globe. Photo by Jim Cox.
Shakespeare and Beyond

From jazzercise to Rococo garden: Four different takes on Love's Labor's Lost

Esther French

In Shakespeare’s Love’s Labor’s Lost, four friends forswear women so that they can focus on their studies. But, of course, as soon as they do, four lovely ladies enter their lives. Oh, what to do? Romance and comedy ensue. Four of our…

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