Meet the Cast

Meet the Cast: Saint Joan
Meet the four actors performing all twenty-seven roles in George Bernard Shaw’s ‘Saint Joan,’ on the Folger stage beginning May 12.

Katie deBuys and her grandmother's Winter's Tale
Actress Katie deBuys (Hermione) keeps a very special copy of this play in her dressing room—the one her grandmother used in college. She spoke to us about this cherished volume and what Shakespeare meant to her grandmother.

Meet the Cast: The Winter's Tale
March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, and the same could be said for Shakespeare’s romantic The Winter’s Tale, which opens here at Folger Theatre next month. Starting in the kingdom of Sicilia, the play begins as a…

Understudying 'The Way of the World'
Folger Spotlight spoke to Rachael Montgomery about her recent experiences understudying for—and then performing in—the role of Waitress in Theresa Rebeck’s The Way of the World.

In Rehearsal with The Way of the World
Photographer Teresa Wood captures The Way of the World cast rehearsing a pivotal scene in Theresa Rebeck’s cunning new comedy.

Meet the Cast: The Way of the World
Meet the high-flying boys and girls of this sparklingly witty new play before they take the stage in January.

Meet the Cast: Antony and Cleopatra
The cast of Antony and Cleopatra comes together in September, but before they do, let’s meet the talented actors who will be bringing this complex, political romance to the Folger stage in October.

Meet the Cast: Timon of Athens
Having spent the winter in the forest of Arden, Folger Theatre heads into spring by traveling to Greece for Timon of Athens. Meet the talented cast who will bring this fascinating play about generosity and societal bonds to life. Timon of…

An Actor Prepares: Aaron Krohn (Touchstone)
Aaron Krohn (Touchstone) Folger Spotlight has shown you components of As You Like It’s first rehearsal, had Matthew Pauli guide you on using the First Folio to explore Shakespeare’s verse, and taken you backstage with Tony Koehler to find out what there…

Valentines in Arden: The Cast of 'As You Like It' on the Quirks of Love
Happy Valentine’s Day, Spotlight readers! On this day dedicated to love and all its forms, we thought it would be fun to share with you some stories from times the As You Like It cast has tangled with Cupid. Read…

Getting to Know Rosalind: 5 Questions for Lindsay Alexandra Carter
Lindsay Alexandra Carter (Rosalind) Lindsay Alexandra Carter has been charming audiences as Rosalind in Folger Theatre’s As You Like It, playing off of Antoinette Robinson (Celia) in performances that “are bursting with energy” and with rapport that “leads to some of the best…

All The World's On the Page: Acting from the First Folio
Our current exhibition, First Folio! Shakespeare’s American Tour comes to a close this weekend. While we all know how important the Folio is as a collection of Shakespeare’s plays, did you also know it can be a valuable tool for…