Quiz: Can you guess the Shakespeare play just from its most memorable props?
How well do you know the props in Shakespeare’s plays? Take the quiz!

Quiz: The songs in Shakespeare's plays
Hey nonny nonny! Shakespeare’s plays are filled with music. Using some context clues, can you match the songs to the plays in which they appear? Happy playing!

Quiz: Match the painting to the Shakespeare play
Which Shakespeare play is depicted in each of these paintings from the Folger collection? Take the quiz.

Quiz: Buckets of ducats in Shakespeare's plays
Shakespeare characters love talking about their ducats, which were commonly used coins in Shakespeare’s day. Can you match the money quote to the play it comes from?

Quiz: Shakespeare's lovers
Can you match up these Shakespearean lovers? Take the quiz and challenge your friends.

Quiz: How well do you know the endings of Shakespeare's plays?
Louis Butelli (Feste) sings the final lines in Twelfth Night, directed by Robert Richmond, Folger Theatre, 2013. Photo by Scott Suchman. Challenge thyself! Test your Shakespeare knowledge and take this quiz. You may have gotten a perfect score on our…

If Shakespeare characters were running for president, who would you vote for?
In an election year, we couldn’t resist creating a quiz about Shakespeare characters running for president. This is a little like ISideWith, but for Shakespeare fans. You answer the questions, and we match you with a candidate. So, who would you…

Quiz: Can you pair these Jane Austen and Shakespeare characters?
Take this quiz and test your knowledge of Jane Austen and Shakespeare! We give you a character from a Jane Austen novel, and you pick the corresponding character from Shakespeare’s plays, based on personality or storyline. Can you pair these Shakespeare…

Quiz: Shakespeare's fathers (and their children)
Shakespeare’s Fathers Which Shakespeare characters (fathers or their children) speak these lines? A daughter’s love “Good my lord, You have begot me, bred me, loved me. I return those duties back as are right fit: Obey you, love…

Quiz: How well do you know the history of Shakespeare in America?
America’s ShakespeareHow well do you know the history of Shakespeare in America?The Booth BrothersLess than a year before John Wilkes Booth became infamous for assassinating Abraham Lincoln, he and two of his brothers (normally onstage rivals) teamed up for a…

Quiz: Shakespeare's Fools
Shakespeare’s plays are filled with fools. How well do you know these clowns and comedians? Take our quiz and test your knowledge.

Quiz: Can you identify the Shakespeare play by only the first line?
Test your Shakespeare knowledge and take our quiz! See if you can identify the play with only the first line to go by. Be warned, it gets harder as you progress …