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Henry VI, Part 3 - Act 4, scene 4
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Last updated: Fri, Jul 31, 2015
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Henry VI, Part 3 - Act 4, scene 4Act 4, scene 4
⌜Scene 4⌝
King Edward’s wife, Queen Elizabeth, hearing of Edward’s capture, fears for her life and that of her unborn child. She seeks sanctuary.
Enter Rivers and Queen ⌜Elizabeth,wearing the white rose.⌝
2129 Madam, what makes you in this sudden change?
2130 Why, brother Rivers, are you yet to learn
2131 What late misfortune is befall’n King Edward?
2132 What, loss of some pitched battle against Warwick?
2133 5 No, but the loss of his own royal person.
RIVERS 2134 Then is my sovereign slain?
2135 Ay, almost slain, for he is taken prisoner,
2136 Either betrayed by falsehood of his guard
2137 Or by his foe surprised at unawares;
2138 10 And, as I further have to understand,
2139 Is new committed to the Bishop of York,
2140 Fell Warwick’s brother and by that our foe.
RIVERS 2141 These news I must confess are full of grief;
2142 Yet, gracious madam, bear it as you may.
2143 15 Warwick may lose that now hath won the day.
2144 Till then fair hope must hinder life’s decay;
2145 And I the rather wean me from despair
2146 For love of Edward’s offspring in my womb.
2147 This is it that makes me bridle passion
2148 20 And bear with mildness my misfortune’s cross.
2149 Ay, ay, for this I draw in many a tear
2150 And stop the rising of blood-sucking sighs,
2151 Lest with my sighs or tears I blast or drown
2152 King Edward’s fruit, true heir to th’ English crown.
2153 25 But, madam, where is Warwick then become?
2154 I am informèd that he comes towards London
2155 To set the crown once more on Henry’s head.
2156 Guess thou the rest: King Edward’s friends must
2157 down.
2158 30 But to prevent the tyrant’s violence—
2159 For trust not him that hath once broken faith—
2160 I’ll hence forthwith unto the sanctuary
2161 To save at least the heir of Edward’s right.
2162 There shall I rest secure from force and fraud.
2163 35 Come, therefore, let us fly while we may fly.
2164 If Warwick take us, we are sure to die.
They exit.