Theater and performance

Come Hither, Actors / Temporality
A guest post by Barbara Bono, Arlynda Boyer, Eric Brinkman, Musa Gurnis, Maria S. Horne, Emily MacLeod, Deborah Payne, Melanie Rio, Joseph Roach, Kirara Sato, Katherine Schaap Williams, and Gretchen York Part two of the blog post written by the…

Come Hither, Actors / Textuality
A guest post by Barbara Bono, Arlynda Boyer, Eric Brinkman, Musa Gurnis, Maria S. Horne, Emily MacLeod, Deborah Payne, Melanie Rio, Joseph Roach, Kirara Sato, Katherine Schaap Williams, and Gretchen York The actors are come hither, my lord. (Hamlet, 2.2.416)…

Dramaturg's Notes: Nell Gwynn
Folger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow guides us through the world of Restoration theater and introduces us to the remarkable Nell Gwynn.

Theatrical Bills and Receipts
Folger manuscripts W.b.110 and W.b.111 are an oddly mis-matched pair. W.b.110 is nearly 46cm tall (almost 18 inches, for those playing along at home) and nearly 160 leaves, while W.b.111 is a good 10cm shorter and about a third the…

Setting the Stage for 'King John'
From the battlefield to the throne room, scenic designer Andrew Cohen offers a glimpse into the inspirations behind the set for Folger Theatre’s King John.

Dramaturg's Notes: King John
olger Resident Dramaturg Michele Osherow introduces us to King John—Shakespeare’s play about the troublesome, Magna-Carta-signing English ruler—before this rarely performed play takes the Folger stage later this month.

Minding the Gaps of Early Modern Drama
A Guest Post by Heidi Craig The history of early modern drama and theatre is punctured with gaps, unknowns, and absences. Over half of the estimated 3,000 professional plays performed before the closure of the theatres in 1642 have evaporated…

“A Strange Perfection”: Staging Bedlam in our Restoration Macbeth
Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind previously introduced us to the historical Bedlam asylum, the setting for Folger’s current production of Macbeth. Today, she looks more closely at how the production uses Bedlam to explore this Restoration version of Shakespeare’s bloody tragedy, and…

Bedlam and the “Theatre of Madness”
Dramaturgical intern Sarah Lind takes us on a tour of Bedlam’s history in anticipation of Macbeth’s first preview on September 4th.

What is Lost is Found Again: the Lost Plays Database
We had one answer right on the money for this July’s Crocodile Mystery—each of the images featured evidence of lost plays. The first image is a scrap from the Henslowe papers, recording a payment for John Day for the third…

A Toast to the Props in 'The Way of the World'
Props designer Tony Koehler recently spoke with The Folger Spotlight about the secrets behind the glitz and glamour of Theresa Rebeck’s smart satire.

Setting the Scene for 'The Way of the World'
We spoke to scenic designer Alexander Dodge to find out what it was like turning our Elizabethan theater into a chic Hamptons setting for Theresa Rebeck’s The Way of the World.