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The Collation

How the "Mastiffs" reached the Folger

In June 1878, the novelist Anthony Trollope and a dozen of his friends boarded the yacht “Mastiff” in Scotland for its maiden voyage, a trip to Iceland. They stayed just over a week, but the episode provided Trollope with enough material for a book, How the ‘Mastiffs’ Went to Iceland. It was published barely two months later by Virtue & Co. of London (and is now available online via the Internet Archive).

Among the company were two brothers: John Burns, the owner of the Mastiff and their host, and James Cleland Burns. It was at John Burns’s request, and with his financial support, that Trollope wrote up and published the account of their journey. 1

"Mastiffs" title page and frontispiece (screenshot of IA copy)

“Mastiffs” title page and frontispiece (screenshot of IA copy)

While the Folger does not have a copy of How the ‘Mastiffs’ Went to Iceland, it does have another book with very strong ties to the Mastiffs. The book below is from our Shakespeare collection.

  1. Incidentally, the Internet Archive’s copy appears to have been digitized from Burns’ own copy—if you turn to the front endpapers, the signature “J.A. Burns” is visible inside the front cover, as is “J.C.B.” (likely John Burns’s second son, also named James Cleland Burns, and an enthusiastic yachtsman himself in later life).


Thank you for this interesting post, and I’m so pleased to find out more about the talented but little-known artist Jemima Wedderburn/Blackburn. I wrote about her book The Crows of Shakespeare, and her connections to the leading cultural figures of the day, in my blog a couple of years ago.

Sylvia Morris — November 28, 2014


Just a thought: obviously you can safely determine that Trollope once was the owner of such books from these “ex libris”. However, his original library obviously got dispersed and probably no one knows how many books he owned or read and if these are still extant and where they’re kept. That said, biographers as well as researchers into literature as a rule try to ascertain all the external influences that impinged on a writer’s writings, subjects chosen and certainly style also. Yet the fact of a certain book having been owned by a certain celebrity never seems to be recorded, at least it rarely if ever makes it into the cataloging information (OPAC etc.). Hence no researcher can access it although in this digital day and age this would in theory be very easy to establish and give also the research into the reception of certain works a “boost”.

Maureen Coffey — December 13, 2014


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