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Due to inclement weather in our region, the Folger is closed on Sunday, January 19. 

Titus Andronicus /

Textual Notes: Titus Andronicus

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from Q, the First Quarto text of 1594 (upon which this edition is based). The earliest sources of readings not in Q are indicated as follows: Q2 is the Second Quarto of 1600; Q3 is the Third Quarto of 1611; F is the First Folio of 1623; Ed. is an earlier edition of Shakespeare, beginning with the Second Folio of 1632. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

  Act-scene division in F; not in Q (Subsequently F divides only into acts.)
0. SD Flourish.] F; not in Q
6. wore] Q (ware)
9. Romans] Q (Romaines, and so occasionally hereafter)
14. seat, to virtue consecrate,] ~ ^ ~ ~, ~ ^ Q
18. MARCUS (aloft, stepping forward and holding up the crown)] This ed.; Marcus Andronicus with the Crowne. Q; Enter Marcus Andronicus aloft with the Crowne. F
23. Pius^] ~: Q
24. Rome.] ~, Q
35–36. field. | And now] Q2; field, and at this day, | To the Monument of that Andronicy | Done sacrifice of expiation, | And slaine the Noblest prisoner of the Gothes. | And now Q
41. Capitol] Q (Capitall)
53. friends,] ~: Q
56. right,] ~. Q
63. SD Flourish.] F; not in Q
64. SP CAPTAIN] F (Cap.); not in Q
65. champion,] ~: Q
69. SD her sons] Ed.; her two sonnes Q
70. weeds!] ~, Q
78. rites] Q (rights)
98. manes] Q (manus)
98. flesh^] ~: Q
122. Goths] Gotbes Q
131, 132. Scythia] Q3; Sythia Q
143. rites] Q (rights)
144. entrails] Q (intrals)
151. Rome’s] Q (Roomes, and so occasionally hereafter)
157. SP LAVINIA] Q3 (Laui.); not in Q
228. Titan’s] Q2 (Tytans); Tytus Q
232. SP MARCUS] Marcus An. Q
233–35. Beginnings of lines are damaged in Q.
235. SD A . . . down.] F (A long Flourish till they come downe.); not in Q
244. Pantheon] Ed.; Pathan Q
266. chance] Q2; change Q
269. way.] ~ ^ Q
271. hopes.] ~, Q
283. cuique] Ed.; cuiqum Q
283. justice] iustce Q
302. SD Enter . . . Moor.] 2 lines later in Q
305. SP SATURNINUS] Emperour Q
322. Phoebe] Ed.; Thebe Q
323. gallant’st] Q (gallanst)
326. Emperess] Q (Emperesse)
340. queen, to Pantheon.] Ed.; Queene: Panthean^ Q
344. SD All . . . exit.] Ed.; Exeunt Omnes. Q
357. hundred] Q (hundreth)
365. SP MARTIUS] Ed.; Q: Titus two sonnes speakes.
367. SP MARTIUS] Ed.; Titus sonne speakes. Q
369. thee^] ~. Q
371. struck] Q (stroke)
375. SP QUINTUS] Q (3.Sonne.)
376. SP MARTIUS] Q (2.Sonne.)
378. SP MARTIUS] Q (2. sonne)
386. Ajax] Ayax Q
394. SD Mutius] Ed.; him Q
399. dreary] Q (dririe)
406. F only; not in Q
406. SD Flourish.] F; not in Q
407. SP SATURNINUS] Saturniue Q
442. forfend^] ~. Q
453. throne.] ~, Q
460. raze] Q (race)
484. SP LUCIUS] Ed; not in Q; All. Q3; Son. F
505. SD Sound . . . exit.] Ed.; Exeunt. | sound trumpets, manet Moore. Q; Exeunt. | Actus Secunda. | Flourish. Enter Aaron alone. F


4.reach.] ~, Q
5. sun] suune Q
25. Holla] Q (Hollo)
37, 46, 62, 77, 94, 99, 103. SP AARON] Q (Moore)
63. Goths] Gotbes Q
97. struck] Q (stroke)
117. than] Ed.; this Q
125. words.] ~, Q


1, 30, 52. SP AARON] Q (Moore)
11. doth] dorh Q
33. and] ann Q
47. scroll] Q (scrowle)
69. try] Q2; trie thy Q
69. experiments] experimens Q
72. swarthy] Q (swartie)
77. obscure] obsure Q
82. sauciness.] ~, Q
88, 91. SP TAMORA] Q (Queene)
106. But] Bu Q
107. yew] Q (Ewghe)
110. Lascivious] Lauicious Q
117. SD They stab Bassianus.] Ed.; stab him Q (1 line earlier)
118. Ay,] Ed.; I^ Q
118. Semiramis] Q (Semeranis)
131. you] Ed.; we Q
132. outlive,] ~ ^ Q
140. them^] ~: Q
144. marble.] ~, Q
150. heard] Q (hard)
158. thee!] ~^ Q
160. ears] Q3; yeares Q
164. brother] brothet Q
166. will;] ~, Q
172. then?] ~^ Q
180. satisfy] satisfiee Q
182. womanhood?] ~, Q
192. SD She exits.] F; not in Q
193. SP AARON] F; not in Q
209. SD He exits.] Q (1 line earlier); here in Q2
211. unhallowed] Ed.; vnhollow Q
223. berayed] Ed.; bereaud Q
231. entrails] Q (intrals)
232. Pyramus] Priamus Q
237. Cocytus’] Ed.; Ocitus Q
238. out] Q2; our Q
261, 263, 282, 293, 300. SP SATURNINUS] Q (King.)
261. grieved] Q (griude)
265. writ,] ~. Q
272. meaning.] ~^ Q
277. O] Ed.; King. Oh Q
286. heard] Q (hard)
286. torturing] Q (tortering)
292, 293. proved] Q (proud, proude)
297. reverend] Q (reuerent)
302. word.] ~^ Q
305. King.] ~, Q


2. cut] eut Q
11. SP MARCUS] Ed.; not in Q
27. him] Ed.; them Q
30. three] Ed.; their Q
55. will] wlll Q


1. stay.] ~, Q
11. SD They . . . speaking.] Ed.; not in Q; Exeunt F (after line 16)
21. on] ou Q
23. reverend] Q (reuerent)
33. man.] ~, Q
34. me;] ~, Q
51. pronounced] Q (pronouncst)
69. handless] Q (handles)
148. napkin] Q (napking)
148. with his] Ed.; with her Q
152, 176, 191. SP AARON] Moore Q
162. hand.] ~, Q
293. SD All . . . exit.] Exeunt. Q; Exeunt. | Manet Lucius. F

 Scene in F; not in Q
0. SD banquet] Bnaket F
1and hereafter in this scene. SP TITUS] Ed.; An. F
8. breast,] ~. F
13. with outrageous] Ed.; without ragious F
38. mashed] F (mesh’d)
38. cheeks.] ~, F
39. complainer] complaynet F
46. SP YOUNG LUCIUS] Ed.; Boy. F
52. with thy knife] Ed.; with knife F
53. fly] Flys F
54. thee,] Ed.; the^ F
55. are] Ed.; not in F
57. brother] broher F
60. How^] ~: F
73. myself] Ed.; my selfes F


1, 7, 16, 43, 108, 113, 119. SP YOUNG LUCIUS] Ed.; Puer. Q
12. Ah] Q3; A Q
13. Read] Q (Red)
15. SP MARCUS] Ed.; Q continues with Titus speaking
19. griefs] Q (greeues)
21. sorrow.] ~, Q
54. Philomela] Phlomela Q
55. Forced] Frocd Q
64. slunk] Q (slonke)
79. SP TITUS] Ed.; Q continues with Marcus speaking, repeating his SP at 80; F gives lines
78–79 to Titus.

79. Demetrius] Dmetrius Q
89. hope] Q (hop)
92. swore] Q (sweare [for “sware”])


1, 26, 123. here’s] Q (her’s)
4, 8. SP YOUNG LUCIUS] Ed.; Puer. Q
15. that] Ed.; not in Q
21. nec] nee Q
24. SP AARON] Ed.; Q (Moore.)
53. Good] Q (God)
71. fair-faced] Q (fairefast)
128. that] Q3; your Q
151. Wheak, wheak] Q (VVeeke, weeke)
166. Emperor] Lmperour Q


32. But] catchword at bottom of signature G4v in Q
54. gear.] ~, Q
58. Saturn] Ed.; Saturnine, to Q
69, 82, 86. Jupiter] Q (Iubiter)
78. SD a country fellow] This ed.; the Clowne Q
79. News] Ed.; Clowne. Newes Q; Titus. Newes Q2
81. Sirrah] Ed.; Titus. Sirra Q
83, 87, 90, 92, 103, 111, 117, 123. SP COUNTRY FELLOW] This ed.; Clowne. Q


0. SD Enter] Euter Q
4. equal] Q (egall)
5. know, as know] Ed.; know Q
30. Th’ effects] Q (the ’ffects)
40. SD Country Fellow] This ed.; Clowne Q
42, 45, 49, 51. SP COUNTRY FELLOW] Q (Clowne.)
42. Mistresship] Mistriship Q
47. SD Saturninus reads] Q (He reads)
51. By ’r] Ed.; be Q
60. privilege.] ~, Q
63. SD nuntius] Nutius Q
72, 82, 97, 107. SP SATURNINUS] Q (King.)
96. feed] Q3; seede Q
101. ears] Ed.; yeares Q


0. SD Flourish.] F; not in Q
4. desirous] desirons Q
9. SP FIRST GOTH] Ed.; Goth. Q
13. us.] ~^ Q
16. avenged] Q (aduengde)
17. SP GOTHS] Ed.; omit Q
20. SP SECOND GOTH] Ed.; Goth. Q
43. here’s] Q (her’s)
53. Get] Ed.; Aron. Get
54. SP AARON Lucius] Ed.; Lucius Q
112. it?] ~, Q
115. laughter.] ~, Q


18. it action] F; that accord Q
50. globe,] Ed.; Globes. Q
53. murderers . . . caves] Ed.; murder . . . cares Q
57. Hyperion’s] Ed.; Epeons Q
62. Are they] Ed.; Are them Q
63. so^]~. Q
66. worldly] Q2; wordlie Q
124. SD Enter Marcus.] 1 line earlier in Q
146. will] willl Q
163. it.] ~^ Q
199. Procne] Q (Progne)
201. SD He . . . throats.] 7 lines later in Q


3. SP FIRST GOTH] Ed.; Got. Q
11. SP AARON] Ed.; Q (Moore)
14. inhuman] Q (inhumane)
15. SD Sound trumpets.] 1 line later in Q
17, 25, 30, 39, 41, 48, 53, 60. SP SATURNINUS] Ed.; King Q
36. Virginius] Viginius Q
44. precedent] Q (president)
46. with] wirh Q
54. Will ’t . . . Will ’t] Q (VVilt . . . wilt)
64. knife’s] Q (kniues)
65. SP SATURNINUS] Ed.; Emperour Q
74. Lest] Ed.; Romane Lord. Let Q
95. Here’s] Q (Her’s)
99. murderèd] murdred Q
109. oped] Q (opt)
126. cause] Ed.; course Q
139. reverend] Q (reuerent)
143. SP ROMANS] Ed.; Marcus Q
144. SP MARCUS Go] Ed.; Goe Q (lines
143–48 given to Marcus)

146. adjudged] Q3; adiudge Q
148. SP ROMANS Lucius] Ed.; Lucius Q (Marcus continues speaking.)
156. bloodstained] Ed.; blood slaine Q
165. Sung] Q (Song)
174. SP YOUNG LUCIUS] Ed.; Puer. Q