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Due to inclement weather in our region, the Folger is closed on Sunday, January 19. 

Henry IV, Part 2 /

Textual Notes: Henry IV, Part 2

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from Q, the First Quarto text (upon which this edition is based). Q survives in two states, identified as Qa and Qb. Qa contains the first printed version of 2.4.347–400 and 3.2.0–108. Qb contains the second printed version of these two passages and the first printed version of the scene (3.1) between them. Qb’s version of the twice-printed text may be based on the Qa printing of it. Therefore our edition follows Qa for the twice-printed passages. We list only the Qb variants that affect meaning. The earliest sources of readings not in Q are indicated as follows: F is the First Folio of 1623; F2 is the Second Folio of 1632; F3 is the Third Folio of 1663–64; F4 is the Fourth Folio of 1685; Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with Rowe in 1709. No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of Q or F; corr. means the second or corrected state of Q or F; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

INDUCTION] F only, where it is preceded by “Actus Primus. Scœna Prima.”
0. SD Enter . . . tongues] Q; Enter Rumour F
5. earth.] ~, Q
6. tongues] Q; Tongue F
8. men] Q; them F
8. reports.] ~, Q
13. grief] Q; griefes F
16. jealousies, conjectures] ~^ ~ Q
21. ^My . . . body^] (~ . . . ~) Q
21. anatomize] Q (anothomize); Anathomize F
27. rebels’] rebels Q, F
34. that] Q; the F
35. hold] Ed.; hole Q, F
36. Where] F; When Q
42. SD Rumor] Rumours Q; not in F

Act 1 Scene 1] not in Q, which is not divided into acts or scenes; Scena Secunda F
0. SD Enter . . . door] Q; Enter Lord Bardolfe, and the Porter F
1 and hereafter (except at
line 4 ).
4. SP LORD BARDOLPH] Ed.; Bard. Q, F
8. SD the Earl] Q only
10 and hereafter in this scene. SP NORTHUMBERLAND] F; Earle Q
17. God] Q; heauen F
31. lord] Q; L. F
33. SD 2 lines earlier in Q; 2 lines later in F
34. who] Q; whom F
39. with] Q; from F
42. hard] Q; head F
47. bad] Q; ill F
50. armèd] Q; able F
55. Again:] F; ~, Q
63. that] Q; the F
68. Spoke at a venture] Q; Speake at aduenture F
68. SD 1/2 line later in Q and F
72. strand] Q (strond)
72. whereon] Q; when F
94. son—] ~: Q; ~. F
101. an] Q; thy F
109. slain, say so] F; slaine Q
110. tongue] tongne Q
116. tolling] Q; knolling F
118. SP MORTON] Monr. Q
119. God] Q; heauen F
122. Harry] Q; Henrie F
129. mettle] Q (mettal)
139. So] Q; Too F
150. these] Q; this F
156. keeper’s] keepers Q, F
171. this] Q; the F
177. SP LORD BARDOLPH] Ed.; Vmfr. Q; line 177 not in F
178. SP MORTON] Ed.; Bard. Q; L. Bar. F
179. The] Mour. The Q, F
180. Lean . . . your] F; Leaue . . . you Q
182–97. F only
196. did] Ed.; hath F; not in Q
200. ’twas] Q; was F
201. ventured, . . . proposed^] ~^ . . . ~, Q, F
206. dare] Q; do F
207–29. F only
235. and] Q; nor F

  Scene 2] Ed.; Scena Tertia F
0. SD Enter . . . buckler.] Enter sir Iohn alone, with his page bearing his sword and buckler. Q; Enter Falstaffe, and Page. F
1 and hereafter in this scene (except at
lines 74,
129–68 (where
Q reads “Falst.”), and
123 (where
Q reads “Old.”). SP FALSTAFF] F; Iohn, sir Iohn Q
7. foolish-compounded clay, man] ~^ ~ ~-~ Q, F
8. intends] Q; tends F
14. judgment.] F; ~^ Q
16. heels.] F; ~^ Q
17. inset] Q; sette F
21. fledge] Q; fledg’d F
22. off] Q; on F
23. and yet] Q; yet F
24. God] Q; Heauen F
31. my slops] Q; Slops F
32 and hereafter. SP PAGE] F; Boy Q
35–36. Pray God] Q; may F
37. rascally] F; rascall Q
39. smoothy] Q; smooth F
42. lief] F; Q (liue)
45. a true] Q; true F
48–50. it, and . . . him. Where’s Bardolph?] F; it: wheres Bardolf, & . . . him. Q
51. in] Q; into F
54. Smithfield.] F; ~, Q
54. An] Q (and); If F
54. me but] Q; mee F
55. SD Enter . . . Servant.] Ed.; Enter Lord chiefe Iustice. Q; Enter Chiefe Iustice, and Seruant. F
60 and hereafter in this scene. SP CHIEF JUSTICE] F (at this line only); Iustice, Iust. Q, F elsewhere in this scene
74. begging] Q; beg F
76. King] Q; K. F
76. need] Q; want F
76. soldiers?] F; ~, Q
82. man?] F; ~, Q
89. me so?] F; ~, ~^ Q
90. me?] F; ~, Q
95. God] Q; omit F
96. the day] F; day Q
99–100. have . . . an ague] Q; hath . . . age F
101. in you] Q; omit F
104. for] Q; omit F
106. An ’t] Q; If it F
106. Lordship] lorship Q
112. God] Q; heauen F
112. pray you] Q; pray F
114. apoplexy, as . . . it, is a kind] Q (~^ ~  . . . ~? ~ ~ ~); Apoplexie is (as . . . it) a kind F
115–16. lethargy, an ’t . . . Lordship, a kind of sleeping in] Q; Lethargie, a sleeping of F
117. it?] F; ~, Q
123. SP FALSTAFF] F; Old. Q
127–28. do become] Q; be F
141. himself] Q; him F
143–44. means are . . . waste is great] Q; Meanes is . . . wast great F
146. waist] Q (waste)
146. slender] Q; slenderer F
158. to smell] F; smell Q
163. in] Q; on F
167. ill] Q; euill F
172. times] Q; omit F
172–73. bearherd] Q (Berod); F (Beareheard)
173. and hath his] F; and his Q
175. appurtenant] Q (appertinent)
175. this] F; his Q
176. them, are] F; the one Q
178. do] Q; omit F
181 and hereafter in this scene. SP CHIEF JUSTICE] Ed.; Lo., Lord Q; Iust. F
186. your chin double] Q; omit F
190–91. about . . . afternoon] Q only
192. belly.] F; ~, Q
197. him.] F; ~^ Q
198. ear] F; yeere Q
227. God] Q; heauen F
207–8. you and Prince Harry] F; you Q
211. Yea] Q; Yes F
213–14. for . . . Lord] Q; for if F
216. and] Q; if F
216. a] Q; my F
216. bottle, I would] bottle, would F; bottle. I would Q
219–26. But . . . motion] Q only
219. always] Q (alway)
249. of] Q; on F
256. SD He exits] omit Q; Exeunt F

  Scene 3] Ed.; Scena Quarta F
0. SD Enter . . . Hastings, and Lord Bardolph.] Ed.; Enter . . . Hastings, Fauconbridge, and Bardolfe Q; Enter Archbishop, Hastings, Mowbray, and Lord Bardolfe F
1 and hereafter in this scene. SP ARCHBISHOP] F; Bishop, Bish. Q
1. cause] Q; causes F
1. known] Q; kno F
6. SP MOWBRAY] F; Marsh. Q
20. Yea] Q; I F
23–26. F only
28. cause] Q; case F
30. and] Q; on F
31. in] Q; with F
38–57. F only
59. instead] Q (in steed), F
60. one] Q (on), F
61. through] Q (thorough)
68. a] F; so Q
73. Are] F; And Q
80. to be] Q; be F
82. He . . . Welsh] F; French and Welch he leaues his 1 back vnarmde, they Q
87. against] Q; ’gainst F
89–114. F only
115. SP MOWBRAY] F; Bish. Q
116. SD They exit.] Q (ex.); omit F

  Act 2 Scene 1] F (Actus Secundus. Scœna Prima)
0. SD of the tavern] Q; not in F
0. SD with two Officers, Fang and Snare] F; and an Officer or two Q
6. O Lord] Q; I F
6. Master] Q; M. F
9. Yea] Q; I F
9. Master] Q; M. F
11. for] Q; omit F
14. and that] F only
14–15. in good faith] Q only
15–16. does. . . . out,] ~, . . . ~, Q; ~, . . . ~. F
20. An . . . an] Q; If . . . if F
21. view—] ~. Q; Vice. F
22. by] Q; with F
22. you] Q; omit F
22–25. going. . . . score. . . . sure. . . . ’scape.] ~, . . . ~, . . . ~, . . . ~, Q; ~: . . . ~ . . . ~: . . .~, F
24. Master] Q; M. F
25. continuantly] F; continually Q
28. Master] Q; M. F
33–34. been . . . off from] Q; bin fub’d off, and fub’d-off, from F
38. knave] Q only
40. Master] Q; M. F (twice)
41. SD Enter . . . Page] Ed.; Enter sir Iohn, and Bardolfe, and the boy Q; Enter Falstaffe and Bardolfe. F, 4 lines earlier
44. Sir John] F only
44–45. Mistress Quickly] Q corr. (mistres Quickly); mistris, quickly Q uncorr.; Mist. Quickly F
49–50. thee in the channel] Q; thee there F
53. Ah] Q; O F
56. SP OFFICERS] Q (Offic.); Fang. F
57–58. or two . . . wot ta] Q; Thou wilt not? thou wilt not? F
60. SP PAGE] F; Boy Q
60. scullion] Q (scullian), F
60–61. fustilarian!] ~, Q; ~: F
61. tickle] Q; tucke F
61. SD Enter . . . Men.] Q; Enter. Ch. Iustice. F
62 and hereafter except at
lines 65,
175 to end of scene (where F has “Ch. Iust.”).
CHIEF JUSTICE] Ed.; Iust. F; Lord, Lo. Q
62. What is] Q; What’s F
69. thou] Q only
75. all] Q; all: all F
79. o’] Q (a), F
82. Fie] F only
82. what] Q; what a F
91. upon] Q; on F
92. Wheeson] Q; Whitson F
93. liking his father] Q; lik’ning him F
101. thou not] Q; not thou F
103. so familiarity] Q; familiar F
105–6. thirty shillings] Q; 30.s F
108. mad] Q (made), F
119–20. You have . . . practiced] Q; I know you ha’ practis’d F
121–22. and made . . . person] Q only
123. Yea] Q; Yes F
123. truth] Q; troth F
124. Pray thee] Q; Prethee F
125. with] Q only
130. make] Q only
131. my humble] Q; your humble F
133. do] Q only
138. SD Enter . . . Gower] Ed.; enter a messenger Q (1 line later); Enter M. Gower F
140. Harry] Q; Henrie F
143. Faith] Q; Nay F
152. hangers] Q; hangings F
153. tapestries] F; tapestrie Q
153. ten pound] Q (x. £); tenne pound F
154. an] Q; if F
156. the action] Q; thy action F
157. me? . . . come. I] Q (~, . . . ~, ~); me, come, I F
159. Pray thee] Q; Prethee F
160. nobles.] ~, Q
160. I’ faith, I am] Q; I F
160–61. so God save me] Q; in good earnest F
164. though] Q; although F
165. gown.] F; ~, Q
171. SD Hostess . . . exit.] Ed.; exit hostesse and sergeant Q, 3 lines earlier; not in F
172. better] Q; bitter F
173. good] F only
176. tonight] Q; last night F
181. SP GOWER] Ed.; Mes. Q, F
177. Basingstoke] F; Billingsgate Q 184.lord] Q; L. F 186.Master] Q; M. F 194.counties] Q; Countries F 202.SD They . . . exit.] F only

  Scene 2] F (Scena Secunda)
0. SD Enter . . . Poins.] Ed.; Enter the Prince, Poynes, sir Iohn Russel, with other. Q; Enter Prince Henry, Pointz, Bardolfe, and Page. F
1. Before God] Q; Trust me F
4. Faith] Q only
10. by my] Q; in F
15. with] Q; Viz. F
16. ones] F; once Q
18. another] Q; one other F
20. keepest] Q; kept’st F
22. the] Q; thy F
22. have made a shift to eat] F; haue eate Q
23–27. and God . . . strengthened] Q only
23. bawl] Q (bal)
30. being] Q; lying F
31. as . . . is] Q; as yours is F
33. faith] Q only
38. Marry] Q; Why F
43. By this hand] Q only
62. SP POINS] Poyne Q
62. By this light] Q; Nay F
62. spoke on] Q; spoken of F
66. By the Mass] Q; Looke, looke F
67. SD Page] Ed.; boy Q; Enter Bardolfe F
69. look] Q; see F
71. God] Q only
73. virtuous] Q; pernitious F
78. calls] Q; call’d F
78. e’en now] enow Q; euen now F
81. ale-wife’s] Q (ale wiues)
81. new] F only
82. so] Q only
84–85. rabbit] F (Rabbet); rabble Q
88. Althea] Q (Althear)
92. good] F only
94. An] Q; If F
94. be hanged] F; hangd Q
95. have wrong] Q; be wrong’d F
97. good] F only
105. how] Q only
113. conceive.] ~^ Q; ~? F
113. borrower’s] Ed.; borowed Q, F
115. or] Q; but F
116. to the letter] F; the letter Q
123. He sure] Q; Sure he F
124. SP PRINCE] Ed.; not in Q, F
131. familiars] F; family Q
132. sisters] Q; Sister F
139. God . . . no] Q; May the Wench haue no F
144. Yea] Q; Yes F
152. Mistress Doll] Q; M. Doll F
161. come to] Q; in F
168. Saint] Q, F (S.)
172. leathern] Q; Leather F
173. as] Q; like F
174. descension] Q; declension F
175. case.] F; ~, Q
175. prince] F; pince Q
176. everything] enery thing Q

  Scene 3] F (Scena Tertia)
0. SD Enter . . . Percy.] Q Enter Northumberland, his Ladie, and Harrie Percies Ladie. F
1. pray thee] Q; prethee F
2. even] Q; an euen F
5 and hereafter in this scene. SP LADY NORTHUMBERLAND] Ed.; Wife Q, F
9 and hereafter in this scene. SP LADY PERCY] Ed.; La., Lady F; Kate Q
9. God’s] Q; heauens F
10. that] Q; when F
11. endeared] F; endeere Q
17. the God of heaven] Q; may heauenly glory F
23–45. F only
32. wondrous^ him!] ~! ~, F

  Scene 4] F (Scœna Quarta)
0. SD Enter . . . Drawer.] Ed.; Enter a Drawer or two. Q; Enter two Drawers F
1 and hereafter. SP FRANCIS] Q; I. Drawer. F
1. the devil] Q only
4. SP SECOND DRAWER] F (2. Draw.); Draw. Q
4. Mass] Q only
12. hear] Q; haue F
12. Dispatch] Ed.; Dra. Dispatch Q
12–14. Dispatch . . . straight] Q only
14. SD Q only, 4 lines later
15. SP WILL] Ed.; Francis Q; 2 Draw. F
19. SP SECOND DRAWER] Draw. Q; I. Draw. F
19. By the Mass] Q; Then F
19. old] Q corr., F; oll Q uncorr.
21. SP FRANCIS] Q; 2. Draw. F
21. SD Enter . . . Tearsheet.] Ed.; Enter mistris Quickly, and Doll Teresheet. Q; Enter Hostesse, and Dol. F
31. SP HOSTESS] F; Quickly, Qui, Q
22. I’ faith] Q only
25–26. in . . . i’ faith] Q; But F
28. one] Q; wee F
43. SP DOLL] F; Tere. Q
31. that’s] Q; that was F
32. Lo] Q; Looke F
32. SD Enter . . . Falstaff.] Ed.; enter sir Iohn. Q; Enter Falstaffe. F
33. SP FALSTAFF] F; sir Iohn Q
37. faith] Q; sooth F
38. An] Q; if F
40. A pox damn you] Q only
40. rascal.] ~, Q
43. them] F; omit Q
45. help to] Q only
47. you.] ~^ Q
49. Yea, joy] Q; I marry F
55. DOLL Hang . . . yourself!] Q only
56. By my troth] Q; Why F
58. truth] Q; troth F
60. good-year!] ~^ Q; ~? F
63. SP DOLL] F; Dorothy Q
74–75. No, by my faith] Q only
75. among] Q; amongst F
84. And] Q only
86. debuty] Q; Deputie F
87–88. Wednesday] wedsday Q
88. i’ good faith] Q only
91. said] Q; sayth F
98–99. i’ faith.] ~, Q; hee F
105. swaggering.] ~^ Q
105. By my troth] Q only
108. SP DOLL] F; Teresh. Q
109. an] Q; if F
110. SD Enter . . . Page.] Ed; Enter antient Pistol, and Bardolfes boy Q; Enter Pistol, and Bardolph and his Boy. F
111. God] Q only
117. not] Q only
141. SP DOLL] F; Doro. Q
131. an] Q; if F
133. God’s light] Q; what F
135. God . . . but] Q only
137–38. FALSTAFF . . . Pistol] Q only (SP: sir Iohn)
142. An] Q; If F
149. God’s light] Q only
149–51. as odious . . . sorted] Q; Captaine odious F
156. of] Q; on F
159. by this hand] Q only
159. with] Q; where F
161. Fates] F; faters Q
164. i’ faith] Q only
167. mile] Q; miles F
168. Caesars] Q; Caesar F
171. captain] Q corr. (captaine), F; captane Q uncorr.
175. Die] F; omit Q
175. dogs!] ~^ Q
177. O’] Q (A); On F
179. For God’s sake] Q; I pray F
181. give ’s] Q (giues); giue me F
182. contento] Q; contente F
183. sweetheart, lie] Q corr. (sweet hart,  lie), F; sweet hartlie Q uncorr.
185. etceteras] Q (& cæteraes)
185. nothings] Q (no things); nothing F
189. For God’s sake] Q only
193. Quoit] Q (Quaite), F
194. an] Q; if F
200. grievous] grieuons Q
202. goodly] Q; good F
207. afore] Q; before F
211. valiant] vliaunt Q
215. Yea] Q; Yes F
220. i’ faith] Q only
226. an . . . An] Q; if . . . if F
227. SD 1 line later in Q, where “Musicians” reads “musicke” as in F
232. I’ faith] Q only
232. church.] ~, Q
234. a- . . . a-] Q; on . . . on F
236. SD disguised] F only
253. boots] Q; Boot F
258. the] F only
259. avoirdupois] Q (haber de poiz)
263. whe’er] Q (where); if F
271. master’s] F; master Q
274. By my troth] Q; Nay truely F
279. thou] F only
280. thou] F only
319. o’] Q (a); on F
283. By my troth] Q only
283. an] Q; if F
285. a’ th’] Q; the F
289. Poins his] Q; ~, ~ F
296. good] F only
296–97. By my troth] Q only
297. the Lord] Q; Heauen F
298. O Jesu] Q; what F
301. light flesh] F; ~, ~ Q
307. even] F only
309. of] Q; on F
312. Yea] Q; Yes F
321. chipper] Q; chopper F
327. thee] Q; him F
330. faith] Q only
334. thy boy] Q; the Boy F
342. blinds] Q; out-bids F
347–400. This edition follows Qa.
353. vitlars] Q; Victuallers F
358. SD Peto knocks at door] Q only
360. SD Enter Peto] F only
362. Westminster] Qa, F; Weminster Qb
370. south^] Ed.; ~. Qa; ~, Qb
374. SD Prince . . . exit.] Q; Exit. F
390. SD He exits] This ed.; exit Qb, F; omit Qa
399–400. Come.—She . . . come, Doll?] Q only

  This edition follows Qb, this scene being absent from Qa     Act 3 Scene 1] F (Actus Tertius. Scena Prima)
0. SD Enter . . . Page.] Ed.; Enter the King in his night-gowne alone Q; Enter the King, with a Page. F
1. Warwick] Q (War.)
3. SD Page exits] Ed.; Exit. F; omit Q
10. pallets] Q; Pallads F
11. night-flies] Q; Night, flyes F
14. sound] Q; sounds F
18. mast] F; masse Q
22. billows] F; pillowes Q
24. deafing] Q; deaff ’ning F
24. clamor] Q; Clamors F
24. slippery] Q; slipp’ry F
26. thy] F; them Q
27. sea-boy] F; season Q
31. SD Enter . . . Blunt] Q; Enter Warwicke and Surrey F
36. letter] Q; Letters F
73. God] Q; Heauen F
46. times^] F; ~, Q
53–56. O, if . . . die] Q only
59. years] F; yeare Q
82. natures] Q; nature F
85. who] Q; which F
86. beginning] Q; beginnings F
102. soul] Q; Life F

  Scene 2] F (Scena Secunda)
0. SD Enter . . . Silence] Q; Enter Shal-  low and Silence: with Mouldie,  Shadow, Wart, Feeble, Bull-calfe F
0–108. Enter . . . young] This edition follows Qa.
1. on. Give] Qa, F; on sir, giue Qb
8. ousel] Q (woosel); F (Ouzell)
9. no] Q; nay F
9. sir.] Ed.; ~, Qa, F; ~: Qb
23. o’] Q (a); of F
18. By the Mass] Q only
21. Barnes] Q; Bare F
22. Cotswold] Q (Cotsole)
25. robas] Q (robes), F
29. This Sir John, cousin] Qa, F; Coosin, this sir Iohn Qb
31. Sir John,] Qa, F; (sir Iohn) Qb
31. see] Q; saw F
35. Jesu, Jesu] Q; Oh F
40. as . . . saith] Q only
41. Stamford] F; Samforth Q
43. cousin] F only
47. Jesu, Jesu] Q; Dead? See, see F
48. o’] Q (a); of F
58. SD Enter . . . him.] Q; Enter Bardolph and his Boy. F, 2 lines earlier
59. SP SHALLOW] F; Good Qa corr.; Bardolfe Good Qa uncorr.
63. good pleasure] Qa, F; pleasure Qb
65–66. by heaven] Q only
70–71. accommodated] F; accommodate Q
72. in faith] Q only
74–75. ever were] Q; euery where F
77–78. Pardon . . . day] Qa, F; Pardon me . . . good day Qb
81. by heaven] Q only
83. may be] Q only
84. SD Enter Falstaff.] Qa, F; Enter sir Iohn Falstaffe Qb
85. SP SHALLOW] F; Iust. Q
86–87. good hand . . . good hand] Q; hand . . . good hand F
87. By my troth] Q; Trust me F
87. like] Q; looke F
93. Master] Q, F (M.)
90. Sure-card] F; Soccard Q
92. commission] Qb, F; commssion Qa
97. dozen] Q; dozen of F
101. Let me see] Qa, F; omit Qb
101–2. So, so, so, so, so. So, so] Q; so, so, so, so F
103–4. do^ . . . do^] Qb, F; ~, . . . ~, Qa
116. an] Q; if F
112. i’ faith] Q only
113–14. in faith] Q only
115. FALSTAFF Prick him.] F; John prickes him. Q
127. Yea] Q; I F
135. much] Q; not F
139. to] F only
147. down] F only
148. his] F only
158. ha’] Q (a); haue F
165. mouse.—] Q corr. (~,); ~^ Q uncorr.; ~. F
166–67. tailor well, Master . . . Master] tailer: wel^ M. . . . M. Q
174. sir] Q only
176. the] F only
180. Fore God] Q; Trust me F
180. prick me] F; pricke Q
185. Lord] Q only
188. caught] cought Q
190. Come, . . . go] Q corr., F; Come^ . . . goe Q uncorr.
194. Here] Q; There F
197. SP FALSTAFF] Fa. Q corr.; Fal. Q uncorr., F
198. dinner.] F; ~: Q corr.; ~, Q uncorr.
198. by my] Q; in good F
201. Saint] Q; F (S.)
202–3. good Master Shallow, no more of that] F; master Shallow Q
209. Master] Q; F (M.)
210. By the Mass] Q only
210. could] conld Q
216. Clement’s Inn] Q corr. (Clements inne), F; Clemham Q uncorr.
217. year] Q; yeeres F
218–19. that that] Q corr.; ~, ~ Q uncorr.
219. John,] Q corr., F; ~^ Q uncorr.
220. well] Q corr.; wel Q uncorr.
299. Master] Q (M.)
223–24. SHALLOW . . . have. In faith] Q corr.; ~ . . . ~^ ~ ~ Q uncorr.; Shal. That wee haue, that wee haue; in faith F
226. Jesus] Q; Oh F
226. SD Shallow . . . exit.] Q only (They exit.)
230. lief] Q (liue), F
236. Master] Q uncorr. (master), F; M. Q corr.
237. old] Q corr., F; omit Q uncorr.
242. By my troth] Q only
243. God] Q only
244. destiny] destny Q
244. an] Q; if F (twice)
249. Faith] Q; Nay F
249. SD Q only
258. Shadow] Sadow Q
269. Here’s] Q; Where’s F
282. Thas . . . thas] Q; thus, thus, thus F
286. i’ faith] Q only
298. will] Q (wooll), F
299. God keep you] Q; Farewell F
303. the Lord] Q; Heauen F
303. God prosper] Q; and F
304. God] Q; and F
304. peace.] F; ~^ Q
304. At your] Q; As you F
305. our] Q; my F
307. Fore God] Q; I F
307–8. Master Shallow] F only
309. God keep you] Q; Fare you well F
311. On] F; Shal. On Q
313. Lord, Lord] Q only
318. duer] Q (dewer)
321. radish] Q (reddish)
325. genius] Q corr., F; gemies Q uncorr.
325–26. yet . . . mandrake] Q only
327. ever] F; ouer Q
327–30. and sung . . . good-nights] Q only
329. swore] Q (sware)
336. o’] Q (a)
337. thrust] Q; truss’d F
338. eel-skin] Q corr. (eele), F; eele-shin Q uncorr.
338. hautboy] Q (hoboy)
340. be] Q corr., F; he Q uncorr.
342. me.] ~, Q
344. him. Let] Q uncorr. (him: let), F; him, till Q corr.
345. SD He exits.] omit Q; Exeunt. F

  Act 4 Scene 1] F (Actus Quartus. Scena Prima)
0. SD Enter . . . Gaultree.] Q; Enter the Arch-bishop, Mowbray, Hastings, Westmerland, Coleuile F
1. SP ARCHBISHOP] Ed.; Bish., Bishop Q, F
2. Gaultree] Q; Gualtree F
13. could] Q corr., F; would Q uncorr.
18. him^] Q uncorr.; ~, Q corr., F
19. SD Messenger] Q; A Messenger F
26. SD 1 line later in Q
33–34. WESTMORELAND Then, my lord, 1 Unto] Q corr. (We. Then my L. vnto), F; West. Vnto Q uncorr.
33. lord] Q (L.), F
34. do] Q corr.; doe Q uncorr., F
38. countenanced] Q corr. (countenaunst), F; counteenaunst Q uncorr.
39. appeared] Ed.; appeare Q, F
45. see] Q (Sea)
48. figure] Q corr., F; figures Q uncorr.
57. end:] F; ~^ Q
58–83. F only
97. Q uncorr. only (commotions)
99. Q uncorr. only (borne, houshold)
108–48. F only
121. force] Ed.; forc’d F
147. indeed] Ed.; and did F
178–79. grievances. . . . redressed,] ~, . . . ~. Q; ~: . . . ~, F
184. to] F only
187. General.] ~, Q; ~. F
189. And] Ed.; At Q, F
189. God] Q; Heauen F
192. SD Q only, 1 line earlier
195. not^ that.] ~, ~^ Q, F
199. Yea] Q; I F
237. hand.] ~, Q; ~: F
238. SD Enter . . . army.] Q; Enter Prince Iohn F, 3 lines later
239. God’s] Q; heauen’s F
239. set] Q only
242 and hereafter. SP JOHN OF LANCASTER] Ed.; Iohn Q, F
250. Than] F; That Q
250. talking] Q only
378. God] Q; Heauen F
262. imagined] Ed.; imagine Q, F
267. Employ] F; Imply Q
269. dishonorable?] F; ~^ Q
269. ta’en] Q; taken F
271. His] Q; Heauens F
284. Hydra son] ~, ~ Q; ~-~ F
295. his] Q; this F
297 and hereafter in this scene. SP JOHN OF LANCASTER] F; Prince Q
308. soul] Q; Life F
308. shall.] F; ~, Q
317. SP HASTINGS] F; Prince Q
319. SD F only
336. SD Q only
344. SD F only, 3 lines later
351. SD F only
352. SD 1 line earlier in Q
357. My lord] Q only
357. already] Q only
358. take] Q; tooke F
359. courses] Q; course F
374. and such acts as yours] F only
378. hath] Q; haue F
379. these traitors] F; this traitour Q
380. SD F only

  Scene 2] Ed.; omit F
0. SD Alarum . . . Colevile] Alarum Enter Falstaffe excursions Q; Enter Falstaffe and Colleuile F
2. I pray] F only
7. be still] Q; still be F
16–17. COLEVILE  I . . . thought] Q corr. (Colle. I . . . thought), F; Colle. I . . . thoght Q uncorr.
18. FALSTAFF  I . . . school . . . tongues] Q corr., F; I . . . schoole . . . tongs Q uncorr.
20. name.] ~, Q
23. SD Enter . . . rest.] Enter Iohn Westmerland, and the rest. Retraite Q; Enter Prince Iohn, and Westmerland. F
24. further] Q; farther F
41–42. There, cousin,] Q only
43. courtesy] Q corr. (curtesie), F; cnrtesie Q uncorr.
47. by the Lord] Q; I sweare F
48. else] Q only
49. on ’t] Q; of it F
56 and hereafter in this scene. SP JOHN OF LANCASTER] F; Prince Q
70. gratis] Q only
72. Now] Q only
76. SD Blunt exits with Colevile] Exit with Colleuile F; omit Q
85. pray] F only (’pray)
88. SD All . . . exit.] Exit. F; omit Q
89. but] F only
91–92. love me, nor . . . cannot] Q corr. (loue me, nor . . . cãnot), F; loueme, nor . . . canot Q uncorr.
93. none] Q; any F
102. crudy] Q; cruddie F
111. illumineth] Q; illuminateth F
116. this] Q; his F
119. hoard] Q (whoord), F
127. human] Q (humane), omit F
129. SD 1 line later in Q
133. Master] Q (M.)
136. SD F only

  Scene 3] Scena Secunda F
0. SD Warwike, Kent, Thomas Q; Enter King, Warwicke, Clarence, Gloucester. F
1. God] Q; Heauen F
15 and hereafter except at
lines 121,
5.2.28, where Q reads “Hum.”
20 lines 56,
36. melting] F; meeting Q
37. he is] Q; hee’s F
43. time] Q; Line F
57. Canst thou tell that?] F only
75. language,] F; ~: Q
76. needful] needfnll Q
78. further] Q; farther F
83. others] Q (other)
100. SD 1 line later in Q
91. Bishop^ Scroop] ~, ~ Q, F
100. SD Harcourt] Q (Harcor.), F
102. heavens] Q; Heauen F
107. shrieve] Q; Sherife F
112. full,] ~. Q
113. write] F; wet Q
113. letters] F; termes Q
119. And] Aud Q
131. through and will break out] F; through Q
144. Softly, pray] F only (’pray)
151. SD Enter Prince Harry.] Enter Harry Q; Enter Prince Henry. F
152 and hereafter until line 244. PRINCE] Q; P. Hen. F
158. altered] Q corr. (altred), F; vttred Q uncorr.
165. Will ’t] Q (Wilt); F (Wil’t)
178. downy] Q (dowlny)
179. down] Q (dowlne)
180. move.] ~^ Q
181. where] Q; heere F
182. God] Q; Heauen F
197. SD Enter . . . Clarence]. Q and F, 2 lines earlier
199. How fares your Grace?] F only
204. He . . . here] Q only
220. sleep] Q; sleepes F
222. piled] F; pilld Q
226. tolling] Q; culling F
227. The virtuous sweets] F only
228. thighs] F; thigh Q
232. SD 2 lines later in Q
234. hath] F; hands Q
241. SD Enter Prince Harry] Enter Harry Q, 1 line earlier; Enter Prince Henry F
243. SD Gloucester . . . exit.] Ed.; exeunt Q; Exit F
244. SP PRINCE] F (P. Hen); Harry Q
245. thought.] ~^ Q; ~: F
259. die^ . . . it.] ~, . . . ~, Q
261. Whom] Q; Which F
269. compound] compouud Q
273. Harry] Q; Henry F
285. Fifth] Q (fift)
279. will] Q; swill F
283. gild] Q; gill’d F
287. on] Q; in F
294. moist] Q; most F
303. inward true and] Q; true, and inward F
304–5. bending. . . . me,] F; ~, . . . ~. Q
331. God] Q; Heauen F
313. this] Q; the F
317. worst of] F; worse then Q
318. is more] F; more Q
321. thy] Q; the F
321. most] Q only
334. O my son] F only
335. God] Q; Heauen F
335. it in] F; in Q
336. win] Q; ioyne F
396. God] Q; Heauen F
342. crook’d] Q (crookt)
344. sat] Q (sate)
362. my] Ed.; thy Q, F
380. My gracious liege] F only
384. SD Enter . . . others.] enter Lancaster, Q; Enter Lord Iohn of Lancaster, and Warwicke. F
394. swoon] Q (swound)
401. SD F only

  Act 5 Scene 1] F (Actus Quintus. Scœna Prima)
0. SD Enter . . . Bardolph.] Enter Shallow, Falstaffe, and Bardolfe. Q; Enter Shallow, Silence, Falstaffe, Bardolfe, Page, and Dauie. F
1. sir] Q only
9–10. SHALLOW  Davy . . . William] Q; Shal. Dauy, Dauy, Dauy, let me see (Dauy) let me see: William F
14. hade land] Q; head-land F
22. Now] Q only
24. the other day] F only
25. Hinckley] F; Hunkly Q
28. tiny] Q; tine F
30. Yea] Q; Yes F
34. back-bitten] Q; bitten F
35. marvelous] Q (maruailes)
39. o’] Q (a’); of F
40. is] Q; are F
44. God] Q; heauen F
47. this] Q; these F
48. an] Q; and if F
49–50. but a very] F only
51. you] Q; your Worship F
55. Come, come, come] Q; Come F
56. Master] Q, F (M.)
58. all my] F; my Q
67. observing of] F; obseruing Q
83. without] Q; with F
90. SD He exits.] omit Q; Exeunt F

  Scene 2] F (Scena Secundo)
0. SD Enter . . . Justice.] Ed.; Enter Warwike, duke Humphrey, L. chiefe Iustice, Thomas Clarence, Prince, Iohn Westmerland. Q uncorr.; Enter . . . Prince Iohn Westmerland Q corr.; Enter the Earle of Warwicke, and the Lord Chiefe Iustice. F
2 and hereafter. SP CHIEF JUSTICE] F; Iust. Q
14. SD Enter . . . Humphrey.] Enter Iohn of Lancaster, Gloucester, and Clarence. F
17. he] Q; him F
20. O God] Q; Alas F
22. SP HUMPHREY . . . CLARENCE] F; Prin. ambo Q
37. impartial] Q; Imperiall F
39. remission.] F; ~, Q
40. truth] Q; Troth F
40. me,] F; ~. Q
42. SD Enter Prince Henrie F, 1 line later
147. God] Q; heauen F
47. mix] F; mixt Q
51. by my faith] Q; to speake truth F
60. Yet] Q; But F
63. SP BROTHERS] Q; Iohn,&c. F
63. otherwise] Q; other F
97. your] Q; you F
111. not] Q; no F
113. justice.] F; ~^ Q
128. raze] Q and F (race)
130. seeming.] F; ~, Q
141. you] Q corr., F; your Q uncorr.
147. SD They exit.] F (Exeunt.); exit. Q

  Scene 3] F (Scena Tertia)
0. SD Enter . . . Page.] Enter sir Iohn, Shallow, Scilens, Dauy, Bardolfe, page. Q; Enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Silence, Bardolfe, Page, and Pistoll. F
5. Fore God] Q only
5–6. a goodly . . . a rich] F; goodly . . . rich Q
62. By the Mass] Q only
18. God] Q; heauen F
23. SP FALSTAFF] F; Sir Iohn Q
23. Master] Q and F (M.)
25. Give Master Bardolph^] Q; Good M. Bardolfe: F
27. good master] Q; good M. F
29. must] Q only
63. Master] Q; M. F
34. wags] Q; wagge F
40. SD Q only
47. thee] Q and F (the)
50. And] Q; If F
51. o’] Q (a’); of F
57. tiny] Q; tyne F
61. An] Q; If F
64. Yea] Q; Yes F
65. By God’s liggens] Q only
66. that.] F; ~^ Q
67. he.] a^ Q
67. ’Tis] Q; is F
70. SD Q only, 2 lines earlier
80. An ’t] Q (And ’t); If F
82. SD 1 line earlier in Q
84. God] Q only
84. you] Q; you sir F
86. no man] Q; none F
88. this] Q; the F
89. By ’r Lady] Q; Indeed F
92. in] F; ith Q
94. And] Q only
102. Cophetua] Q (Couetua); Couitha F
112. to conceal] F; conceal Q
120. Fifth] Q (fift)
126. Master] Q (M.)
129–30. knighthood] F; Knight Q
140. Blessed . . . that] Q; Happie . . . which F
141. to] Q; vnto F
144. these] Q; those F
144. SD They exit.] F; exit. Q

  Scene 4] F (Scena Quarta)
0. SD Enter . . . Beadles.] F; Enter Sincklo and three or foure officers. Q
1. to God that] Q only
4 and hereafter. SP BEADLE] Ed.; Sincklo Q; Off., Officer. F
5. cheer enough] F; cheere Q
6. lately] F only
8 and hereafter. DOLL] F; Whoore Q
9. an] Q; if F
10. now] F only
10. wert] Q; had’st F
13. the Lord] Q only
13. I] Q; hee F
14. pray God] Q; would F
15. might] F only
19. amongst] Q; among F
20. you . . . you] Q; thee . . . thou F
21. bluebottle] Q; blew-Bottel’d F
25. God] Q only
28. Ay] Q (I); Yes F
30. atomy] Q; Anatomy F
32. SD F only

  Scene 5] F (Scena Quinta)
0. SD Enter two Grooms] F; Enter strewers of rushes Q
3. o’] Q (a); of the F
4. Dispatch, dispatch] Q only
4. SD Grooms exit.] F only (Exit Groo.)
4. SD Page] F; Boy Q; Enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Pistoll, Bardolfe, and Page F
5. Master] Q; M. F
5. Robert] F only
9. God] Q only
15. SP SHALLOW] F; Pist. Q
16. of] Q; in F
19. SP SHALLOW] Ed.; Pist. Q, F
23. best,] ~^ Q; most^ F
24. SP FALSTAFF] F only
24. travel] Q (trauaile)
29. all] F only
36. truth] Q; troth F
37. SD Shouts . . . sound.] The Trumpets sound. Enter King Henrie the Fift, Brothers, Lord Chiefe Iustice. F
42. God] Q only
48. becomes] Q; become F
51. awaked] Q; awake F
57. God] Q; heauen F
67. evils] Q; euill F
69. strengths] Q; strength F
72. my] Q; our F
73. SD King . . . exit.] Exit King. F; omit Q
74 and hereafter (except at
line 94 ).
75. Yea] Q; I F
77. Master] Q; M. F
80. advancements] Q; aduancement F
82. well] F only
83. should] F only
88. that I fear you] Q; I feare, that you F
91. SD Q only
97. me contenta] contenta Q; me contento F
97. SD All . . . exit.] exeunt. Q, 1 line earlier; Exit. Manet Lancaster and Chiefe Iustice. F
108. heard] Q; heare F
110. SD They exit.] F only (Exeunt)


10. meant] Q; did meane F
16–18. And so I . . . Queen.] Q; at the end of the Epilogue, omitting “I” F
23. would] Q; will F
26. before] F only
34. a] F only